GST Method: the
CibuSalus solution to support the
food transition.
The CibuSalus method: we look at food and health from different points of view.
CibuSalus operates at the service of institutions and companies with an innovative working method. It brings together different skills and perspectives to offer holistic solutions.
We call this the GST Method (Global Sustainability Transdisciplinary Method). This method enables us to build a bridge across different disciplines and points of view into one solution.
Le scienze biomediche e nutrizionali ci aiutano ad inquadrare gli aspetti più prettamente medico/scientifici del problema.
Biomedical and nutritional sciences help us frame the main medical and scientific aspects of the issue.
Lastly, data sciences and the development of advanced statistical models help to build concrete data-driven working theories based on a deeper knowledge of the target markets.
It is through the integration of different points of view that CibuSalus was created – the best solution supporting food transition.
Our mission is driven by our vision, essentially helping to better define our spirit and aspirations.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”
Like Hippocrates, we believe that healthy food is essential to human health and a fundamental pillar of global health policies. We envisage a world where have access to health and sustainable food on their table while respecting health, environment, work, biodiversity and local culture.

Our daily commitment is to advise organisations and companies wishing to develop projects in the food and health sector.
To design our solutions, we integrate biomedical and nutritional sciences expertise with economics and social sciences skills alongside data analysis and advanced statistical model development.
In this way, we help organisations and companies build initiatives for a transition to healthy and sustainable food in accordance with European Food Health policies.